Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Teen Pregnancy Epidemic

On a recent episode of the Tyra Banks Show, there were a panel of about 8 or so teens who had either already been pregnant, wanting to get pregnant, or already had children. I know that when you think of teens and pregnancy, you tend to focus more on ages 16-19, but these teenagers peaked at age 14 with the youngest of them being 12. Crazy huh??? 

Click here for more info or to read what other viewers thought about the show.

Here's what I think...
I'm 20, about to be 21 in about 7 months. I've never been pregnant, nor do I plan on getting pregnant anytime soon. Not necessarily because I'm waiting until marriage or I'm waiting to finish college. It's mainly because I am not nearly ready for a baby. I don't understand why teenagers think they're ready to have kids. One girl on the show even said that she wants a baby so that she can have fun at a baby shower.... that's just ridiculous!! My mom had a baby as a teen and although I think she is just superbly wonderful for being able to keep things together, I just don't think I have the strength to do the same!

But that's just my opinion.... what do you think??


Britastic said...

People don't understand what it's like to have a baby until they have one. I don't plan on having children at all much less at 19. I want to selfishly live my life and explore the world before I have to worry about bringing another life into the world. lol

carolina magic said...

I'm 60 and I don't even think I'm ready to have a baby (not that could even if I tried.)

Full disclaimer: I already have three grown wonderful children.

But no more children, please.

I'll just stick with my dog.