Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Forced To Be A Father

On today's Dr. Phil show, there was a heated debate on the responsibilites of a father when a child is born out of wedlock. Should the father have as much responsibility as the mother? Should the father use the excuse of not knowing about the child before its birth to not be an adequate father? Should the father not have to pay to support the child or should they not have to do any more than pay child support?

Click here for more information about the show.

Here's what I think....
Ok ladies.... if you're going to have a baby out of wedlock, PLEASE inform the person that got you pregnant that you are indeed pregnant. And PLEASE make sure that the person you are informing is indeed the CORRECT person that got you pregnant. Sometimes, I blame women for the men not stepping up as fathers because some women fail to inform the men that they will be fathers in the beginning. Instead, they decide to wait until the child is born and realize that they can start collecting child support. Then, when the father starts to support the child, it's never enough. The woman is almost never satisfied and fails to realize that his responsibilty is to take care of the child, not to take care of her and the child. IT'S NOT A MARRIAGE JUST BECAUSE YALL HAVE A CHILD TOGETHER! All in all, when women get their stuff together, men will eventually fall in line.
On the other hand, if the woman does her part in letting the man know in a timely manner, that man has absolutely no excuse to not be there and provide for that child like he should. In or out of wedlock does not matter, she's still that child's mother and he's still that child's father...plain and simple. Support just doesn't come in monetary value. It's also emotional and physical. You're man enough to make a baby, be man enough to take care of it.

But that's just my opinion....what do you think??

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Caring Moms with Daring Jobs

How would you feel if your mother prostituted and exploited her body for money to provide for the family?? Tyra Banks did an entire show on the topic, and like society always does, every mother that took part in the show was judged by audience members, and even Tyra herself.

Click here for a short detailed description of the show and to read what viewers thought.

Here's what I think....
My anger towards my mother would be a short-term (not that she does it or anything, I'm just saying). I don't think there's anything wrong with a mother doing what she needs to do to provide for her family. However, I don't think that a mother should tell her kids not to do something of that nature when she does it herself. No one deserves to be judged, and although it's true that prostitution and stripping isn't the best or only way of making money, it is a way to make money and in all honesty, a lot of money can be made that way. Now I wouldn't make it my goal to prostitute or strip for a living, but I look at it this way.... society is going to judge you rather you decide to strip or prostitute to provide for your family, or if you just live check by check and barely provide for them.

But that's just my opinion....what do you think??

Monday, October 13, 2008

Forgiveness Is A Wonderful Gift

I'm not a fan of the Oprah Show. But when I saw the preview for last Monday's show, I couldn't resist the temptation of watching it because it shocked me so much! A man planned and played out the murder of a family (mother, father, and 2 children). The father and one of the sons survived. On his wife's and son's death bed, the father promised to forgive the person who killed his family. But who would've thought that the surviving son would've been the one to commit such vicious murders.

Click HERE for the rundown of the show.

Here's what I think....
For someone to be able to forgive someone for killing his family is just a wonderful person. Shucks, being able to forgive anyone for anything is just a wonderful gift. I know I've held grudges for a long time over simple things that hurt me, but a murder...? Gosh, I'd probably hold that grudge and take it with me to my grave! I know it's a bad thing to do because forgiveness is one key to freedom. I've recently forgave my daddy for putting me through hell growing up and it felt like 250lbs was lifted off of my heart. It took a while and a behind-load of courage, but I did it! I commend the man for forgiving his son for doing such a horrible thing against his family.

But that's just my opinion....what do you think?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Teen Pregnancy Epidemic

On a recent episode of the Tyra Banks Show, there were a panel of about 8 or so teens who had either already been pregnant, wanting to get pregnant, or already had children. I know that when you think of teens and pregnancy, you tend to focus more on ages 16-19, but these teenagers peaked at age 14 with the youngest of them being 12. Crazy huh??? 

Click here for more info or to read what other viewers thought about the show.

Here's what I think...
I'm 20, about to be 21 in about 7 months. I've never been pregnant, nor do I plan on getting pregnant anytime soon. Not necessarily because I'm waiting until marriage or I'm waiting to finish college. It's mainly because I am not nearly ready for a baby. I don't understand why teenagers think they're ready to have kids. One girl on the show even said that she wants a baby so that she can have fun at a baby shower.... that's just ridiculous!! My mom had a baby as a teen and although I think she is just superbly wonderful for being able to keep things together, I just don't think I have the strength to do the same!

But that's just my opinion.... what do you think??