Monday, December 8, 2008

Beyonce vs. Shane Mercado

I've been hearing about this youtube video for a while now, and I finally saw the video in a way it could relate to my blog... The Bonnie Hunt Show *1st time appearing on my blog :)* featured a young man by the name of Shane Mercado doing Beyonce's "Single Ladies" dance.

Click HERE to check it out and judge who did the best!

Here's what I think....
I am definitely not a big fan, or a fan at all of Beyonce. I just don't care for her very much and I think she gets a lot of credit to not be that good of a singer, dancer, or actress. But, not to be biased or anything, I definitely thought homeboy did a way better job with the dance than she did. It's just that he seemed to have put more into it than she did.

But that's just my opinion... what do you think?

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Ridiculous School Discipline

Honestly, this blog was going to be about a Tyra show this week. But Dr. Phil's show on Friday quickly changed my mind. On the show, he talked about school discipline getting out of control. Remember being paddled in elementary or middle school? Or remember just simply being sentenced to a week of detention, missing recess, or being suspended for 5 days? Well how about being locked in a room by your teacher? Or being verbally abused by your teacher? Or being stripped searched by your teacher?

Click HERE for more about the show.

Here's what I think....
I don't care what happens in a school. The only discipline that should be enforced is some kind of detention or something of that nature. But (excuse the slang) I'll be hot dern if anybody from any school is going to lock my child in a room, verbally abuse my child, hit my child, or strip search them as a form of punishment. I'd be raising straight hell in that school system. That is just ridiculous for schools to allow that to happen. I remember my 1st year in middle school, my principal was on the news for paddling a student. Up to that point, I thought schools stopped paddling. All I know is whoever did those horrible things to those students need a beating too!

But that's just my opinion....what do you think??